About Us

Modern news for Grand Junction, Mesa County, Colorado. No paywalls, limits, or subscriptions. Latest news, live police scanner, videos, local community resources.

Our Mission:

JunctionNow believes that an informed public, is a safe public. That is why JunctionNow is committed to publishing news worthy events as quickly as possible. By broadcasting local scanner dispatches and publishing short concise articles with curated audio clips, our readers (and listeners) can stay informed about what is taking place around town. Knowing to avoid an incident location, being able to check on nearby family/friends, or being able to inform others of what is happening is crucial to all members of our local community. With those values in mind, JunctionNow was created. 

an informed public, is a safe public…

Publishing Goals:

JunctionNow’s goal when publishing articles is to keep the public informed about important events happening around them. Therefore, we only report on news happening in Mesa County, Colorado. We do not report statewide, national, or world news, unless it directly impacts Mesa County. 

Typically, when deciding which events to select to publish an article on, we look for:

  1. Emergency response utilizing lots of resources to a specific area.
  2. Multiple police responding to an area emergent (lights+sirens) 
  3. Medical situations utilizing lots of resources (search & rescue, police assistance)
  4. Property crime, to empower citizens to pinpoint trends in their neighborhood.
  5. Structure fires, vehicle accidents, or situations that may be a danger to the general public.
  6. Occasional oddities or silly happenings. 

Things we try to avoid:

  1. Publishing of residential addresses in headlines.
  2. Personal information other than name and age.
  3. Routine medical calls, especially residential.

If you would like to contact JunctionNow, use the information listed on our contact page.